Senin, 19 November 2012

Rupert Murdoch unhappy

Chairman and CEO of Fox News was not happy with the biased media.

Murdoch was furious with the way the conflict in Gaza between Israel and the people who will be called Palestine were discussed.

"Why is the press belongs to the Jews so consistently anti-Israel in every crisis?" She tweeted yesterday. Murdoch is a dedicated ally to Israel, and earlier in the day the voice displeasure with how CNN and the Associated Press have covered the situation, tweeting that "the Middle East is ready to boil every day. Israel precarious position. While watching CNN and AP bias to show a sense of shame."

Surprisingly, Murdoch also took President Barack Obama to the situation as well, asking if Obama "friends in Egypt" to stop attacks against Israel.

Should people on Fox News ever had the courage to criticize others for being biased? I do not keep track of how each media networks
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